Amitabh Bachchan may have signed Bigg Boss as the host, but he has no plans to return to Mumbai anytime soon. The show is slated to go on air from October, but Amitabh is happy in Singapore, where he is currently. For his shoots, the channel will now have to fly the star to and fro every week.
Amitabh says, “I definitely don’t plan to return to Mumbai soon, but now that I have signed the show, I’ll have to figure out a way. I need to be in Lonavala every Friday for the shoot.”
But why is Amitabh intent on sticking around in Singapore? Well, that’s because his dear friend, politician Amar Singh is recuperating from a recent operation in the foreign land. “I’m not out on a holiday,” Amitabh clarifies. “I’m looking after my friend. I’m also meeting a lot of people here and attending to work. And well, also reading, watching television and blogging,” he adds.
And while Amitabh will be flying down, scriptwriters and filmmakers are making a beeline for Singapore to meet him.
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