Bollywood Actor Saif Ali Khan being very upset with director Imtiaz Ali for insisting on Bollywood Actress Deepika Padukone to play the female lead in his debut production Love Aaj Kal, the actor is wasting no opportunity to promote his movie in her company.
While it is true that Saif would have preferred to have worked with ladylove and Bollywood’s Sexiest Siren Kareena Kapoor, he abided by his director’s decision with good grace.
Even though he did not make too much of an effort to bond with her on the sets, he still shared a cordial professional relationship with her as is evident from the manner in which the two have appeared for various promotional events for their film. The media got carried away with the fact that Saif had disagreed with Imtiaz on the casting of the movie, but what they forgot to mention was that being the producer of the movie, he was not exactly helpless about the decision. Anyway, Saif has made amends for his comments to the media about preferring Kareena over Deepika. He has spoken very positively about Deepika’s contribution and is reportedly quite happy with the way things have turned out. As for Kareena, she features in his next production, Agent Vinod. In a recent development, Saif will be seen making his appearance in sister Soha Ali Khan’s TV gameshow, Khelo, Jeeto, Jeeyo, along with Deepika. The actor was reportedly set to make an appearance on the show with his mother Sharmila Tagore and Kareena. But now plans have changed. He will appear on the show to promote Love Aaj Kal and it will be Deepika who will be beside him and not Kareena.
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